Your candle is more than just a flame.

After your candle has burned out you can turn it into a beautiful and practical piece in your home! from jewelry to toiletries, even a herb garden! Follow these steps and you never have to throw out a jar again!

  1. Heat oven to 350 F

  2. Place candle on a foil lined baking sheet with a rim.

  3. If there is only a small amount of wax in the bottom of the jar turn in upside down, if it is more than 1/4 full leave it right side up.

  4. Leave the candle in the oven for 5-10 minutes, checking to see if all of the wax is melted.

  5. Once melted take the baking dish out and using oven mitts dump the left over wax into the foil (tip up the edges like a bowl.) Set the foil aside until the wax has hardened and then it can be thrown away.

  6. wet a paper towel down with vinegar and using tongs while the jar is still hot clean up all the remaining wax, the wick should pop right off when doing this.

  7. Let your jar cool and voila!